Threading The Needle

PAWTUCKET — Imagine a future where Pawtucket is a bustling urban center; where dining, shopping, entertainment and recreation entertainment opportunities abound; where residents commute to good-paying jobs in Boston or Providence — or even walk to those jobs in their Pawtucket neighborhood.

Perhaps an interesting intellectual exercise for most, but for Jan A. Brodie, it's her job. And her imagination is on the verge of bearing fruit.

Brodie, who formerly headed the I-195 Redevelopment District Commission, is executive director of the Pawtucket Foundation, the organization that's spearheading what's become known as the Conant Thread District. "Our mission is economic development in the city," Brodie said.

Molly Messier

Molly Messier is a Providence-based creative director helping brands tell their story through artistic direction and strategic design. She is a visual storyteller and designer thinker guided by a distinctive point of view that celebrates art, travel, wellness and the mediterranean slow life.

Finding A Center Of Balance In A Rapidly Changing World