Sun Salute – Shri Yoga’s Sunrise Yoga

“Shri Yoga’s outdoor summer sunrise yoga class in the parking lot of its new location has created a new vision for Pawtucket”

There are many ways that folks have attempted to maintain their equilibrium of the mind and body during these stressful times of the coronavirus pandemic.

Twitter abounds with selfies of bike riding to Newport, climbing Mount Monadnock in New Hampshire, boat adventures on Narragansett Bay, and displaying the bounties of gardening, with ripe tomatoes.

But one of the more motivational activities taking place on a regular basis has been the outdoors summer yoga classes hosted by Shri Yoga at its new facility at 390 Pine St. in Pawtucket, at sunrise on Sundays.

Molly Messier

Molly Messier is a Providence-based creative director helping brands tell their story through artistic direction and strategic design. She is a visual storyteller and designer thinker guided by a distinctive point of view that celebrates art, travel, wellness and the mediterranean slow life.

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